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Spinal Canal Stenosis

diagnosis - causes - Treatment

Spinal Canal Stenosis : When Your Spine's Pathway Narrows

Imagine your spinal canal, the pathway for your nerves, becoming narrower due to listhesis, hypertrophic ligaments, or osteophytes. This condition is known as spinal canal stenosis and can occur in different areas of your spine, including the neck, upper back, or lower back. In this article, we'll explore the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for spinal canal stenosis simply and interestingly.

Understanding the Symptoms


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Pains Resembling Sciatica

Many patients experience pain similar to sciatica, which can radiate down the legs and cause discomfort.

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Cramps in Arms and Legs

Cramping sensations may occur in the arms or legs, adding to the discomfort.

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Foot Drop

Some individuals may notice weakness in their feet, causing difficulty in lifting the front part of the foot while walking.

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Numbness or Weakness in Limbs

Numbness or weakness may be felt in the affected limbs, affecting mobility and coordination.

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Neurogenic claudication may develop, causing pain and weakness in the legs, especially after walking or standing for a while.

Diagnosing Spinal Canal Stenosis


    A spine specialist will assess your current condition and review your medical history to diagnose spinal canal stenosis. They may then recommend imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans. These tests provide detailed insights into the extent and location of the narrowing.

    Vida Clinic Spinal Canal Stenosis

    Treatment Options

    The treatment for spinal canal stenosis varies based on the severity of the condition. While surgery may be necessary in severe cases, conservative approaches can be effective. Here are a few options :

    Using targeted exercises and technologies can help reduce pain and improve mobility. Physiotherapy sessions aim to relieve pressure on the affected areas and strengthen supporting muscles.

    Chiropractors can provide relief, especially if listhesis (vertebral misalignment) is a contributing factor. They can alleviate symptoms and restore proper alignment through spinal adjustments and manipulations.

    Matrix therapy uses specialized techniques to release tension in the muscles and tissues surrounding the affected area. This can help reduce pain and promote healing

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